Let the numbers speak for themselves.
The Cofinpro salary model is built on two parts: a fixed base salary and a performance-based salary component that is linked to the company's success to which you also contribute. We prioritize your well-being with benefits such as work accident insurance, a monthly meal allowance, and private health insurance covering hospitalization and dental care.
The annual target salary at Cofinpro Portugal consists of a fixed base salary and aperformance-related salary component. It is spread over 14 monthly salaries.
The performance-related salary component is determined annually as part of the target agreement and is tied to achieving a specific pre-tax revenue margin for the Cofinpro Group. It's crucial to note that since Cofinpro'sfounding in Germany in 2007, the target achievement for the related salary component has consistently exceeded 100% - meaning you can count on your target salary.
If the set annual target is exceeded, your performance-related salary component increases as well.
Half of the performance-related salary component is already paid out during the yearin the form of a monthly advance payment together with the monthly fixed salary. The remaining amount will be paid once the annual financial statements of the Cofinpro Group have been finalized.